What should I be doing right now while both my kids are sleeping? Probably the endless pile of laundry and burp cloths. This golden time only comes once a day and sometimes one of the kiddies doesn't make it happen. So I am blogging.
Life has been fun and hectic with two children. Luke is learning to be nice to Holly. However, he did sit on her today which warranted a large spanking and a long time out. There is quite a bit of crying at my house. I think 4 years as a pediatric nurse has helped me phase out crying. I'm not saying it doesn't bother me, I'm simply saying my ear is trained to ignore it if it is related to a toddler temper. I guess you could say I have a high cry tolerance. Okay I hope you don't think I shut my kids away and let them cry all the time. I love them and there is much more holding than crying.
There is also a large amount of dirty diapers in the house. Now Luke is fully trained to take the diaper and put it into the garbage. I have been checking the garbage for other things and haven't found any yet.
Here are some pictures of our crazy family.
Luke loves to give Holly kisses.