Wednesday, September 14, 2011

As if crawling isn't enough

This week I have come to a realization that my baby is growing up. She eats all sort of foods and thankfully no teeth yet. I swear last week she learned to crawl and now she is climbing and pulling up on everything. She just turned 7 months two days ago.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Every time I think about blogging another month has gone by and it seems like I have taken less and less pictures. I had two weeks off work in August and it was wonderful! Ofcourse I forgot my camera on our trip, but here are few snap shots of the festivities. Jacob and Stacey were married in San Diego on August 11th and Tice and Ellen were married August 15th in Mesa. Tice is my cousin that lived in Gilbert, whom Luke adores. Tice would play with Luke for hours in Aunt J's back yard when I was hugely pregnant with Holly. Now Tice is off with his new bride to Provo for school. 
At Jake and Stacey's wedding

   Tice and Ellen's wedding

For some reason I actually love these pre-pictures of our family. They tell the whole story of our crazies. 

 Emma. I love this girl! Really this one is funny. (And all of my other nieces I didn't get pictures of.)
 Bride and groom (I know, terrible picture)
 Luke in suspenders. Yep he loved those.
My Holly Doll is so sweet. I am so glad she picked our family.  

A relatively decent bride and groom shot.