Sunday, March 14, 2010

Being Mr. Mom

I went back to work two weeks ago, hence no new post since I have resumed the working life. My days off are far to lazy to do anything but recover from work. However, I don't think my family will survive if I continue that current attitude. I don't know how mom's do it. The first day was hard to leave my sweet babes at home. I was so excited to come home to see my happy baby. It was Luke's cranky just before bed state, so I was not greeted by that crazy smiling boy I know. The next morning he gave me many more smiles to make up for it. My co-workers would ask if I was worried about my baby and husband at home. I expressed complete confidence in my husband, being the youngest of ten you better believe this uncle did his share of babysitting. Eric is great with Luke!
After 12 glorious weeks of not working my nursing skills were feeling a tad rusty. But after 5 shifts I think I am back in the game. The second day I hung a unit of blood, received a transfer from the PICU, took care of a kid with an epidural, got a kid back from surgery, and managed to get out on time. This nursing business is making my really crunch down on my time management. If only I can apply that to the laundry, dishes, cleaning, and cooking chores. 

Here Eric and Luke are enjoying their favorite activity, sleeping.


  1. I love the picture of Luke and Eric sleeping. Very sweet! I hope things get a little easier, but I'm sure it just takes time to adjust and figure out a new schedule :) Good luck with it all :)

  2. I know Eric is a great Dad...with all the babysitting with his nieces and nephews! I love the sleeping pictures! So cute!

  3. Aww they are so cute! I have those same sheets, in blue! They make me sleepy...

  4. Love the sleeping picture. I have many of Brian like that with our kids.
