Friday, April 22, 2011

Crafting vs. Construction

I love love this video. President Uchtdorf puts it so simply. We women love to create and need to create. I have had a few projects I have been wanting to finish. With the two kiddos it is difficult and almost near impossible to find time to sit down and create. I told Eric all I wanted to do was to sit down for 3 hours and do something uninterrupted. He laughed and thought I was a little silly, but like a loving husband helped me fulfill my request. He even extended a helping hand. Women have an inner need and desire to create and I think men have an equal desire which also involves using tools (especially power tools in our case we'll count the stapler) and getting their hands dirty. I should have known that a simple bow board project would have brought out the construction worker Eric. Eric worked at his father's roofing business for years installing suspended ceilings. He happily got out all of his tools and helped me build the sturdiest reinforced bow board. I had to realize I couldn't tell him how to measure things and put in screws. I decided to save that heated conversation for when we remodel a bedroom or bathroom down the road. I had a sewing mindset and wanted to use patterns and templates, while Eric trusted his measuring tape and eye balling skills. I must say he did a wonderful job so without further adieu Holly's bow board.

I should have taken a picture of the back. This baby is not falling apart. Construction lesson number 1, you can never secure your work too much. Not reinforcing enough only cost more money later.
My man and all the tools. 

My mom gave me some of the extra fabric from the crib bedding so it matches. I need to pay proper tribute to my mother for making Holly's adorable bedding. Here is her quilt. 

I also made all the bows and hair clips on the board. With Etsy for inspiration and a YouTube tutorial you can make anything. Here is a link to the ribbon rose tutorial. I had to watch it several times and burn my fingers with a glue gun many times to produces these flowers. Note to self next time I buy a 2 dollar glue gun, buy the low temp one.

Does Wheat Really Stay Good for 30 years?

Well at least 22 years. Thanks to some wheat from Momma Lines from 1989 and a wheat grinder for Christmas from Momma Skousen we made some delicious wheat bread . I was a little skeptical about the wheat but once ground up, it yielded superb wheat flour. So stalk up for the next 30 years. :)

2 months old

Holly is growing up so fast. At her 2 month appointment she weighed 11 lbs 10 oz and was 24 inches long. Putting her above the 95 percentile for height and 50 to 75th percentile for weight. Our kids have small heads and she is in the 30th percentile for head circumference.

She is starting to coo and smile. She loves her older brother since he is always in her face or next to her in the bouncer. Luke brings her toys and Cookie Monster attacked her face yesterday. Once again we are working on being "soft." Holly has gotten into a beautiful routine and sleeping 6-8 hour chunks at night. Now I know because I wrote that she is sleeping great, I am doomed for a few more sleepless nights.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Welcome, Welcome Sabbath Morning

What a wonderful Sunday we had this week. I felt so spiritually feed and revived. I loved listening to conference this past week and being uplifted by our prophet and apostles. My favorite talk was by Elder Richard G. Scott called The Eternal Blessings of Marriage. This last Saturday we had a wonderful baptism in our ward. The spirit was so sweet. Then going to church was like the cherry on top. I love my family and the joy that the gospel brings to our lives. I know that we can be together forever.

Holly is 8 weeks old and wearing a dress my mother saved from when I was a baby. My Grandpa Smith bought the dress for me. 

These last two are pictures of me. Below is the day I came home from the hospital. 


Lip Quiver

How can you say no to that face? Holly girl makes the best pout faces. I just have to pick her up and squeeze her tight. She loves being held and has a internal sensor when she is laid horizontal even when fast asleep.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Luke sleeps in the most awkward and uncomfortable looking positions. He must have the blanket covering his face when he goes to sleep. During his sleep the blanket usually ends up completely around his head. I check that he is still breathing before I go to bed and remove him from his tangled blanket. What a silly man. He happily says "Night night" and covers his face.

Wahoo in his big boy bed. He goes right to bed at night.

During the day, we try the toddler bed first if he plays instead of naps he get the crib. (Check out my adorable  bedding for Holly. My mom made sweet sheets that match too but we swapped it out the night Luke threw up twice. My mom is amazing and I love my bedding.)

This was at Holly's blessing. He was so ready for a nap after church and the blessing. He climbed out of the bed and wedged himself under the pack and play. Poor guy had a dirty diaper, hence the pants half off.

I found this beauty on the camera a few days later. I was tired and my little Holly loves to curl up and fall asleep on you.