We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at my parent's house. My parent's house is seriously a luxury vacation spot. I had the entire weekend of Thanksgiving off from work. That has not happened in years. We had all the traditional Thanksgiving food along with a honey ham and we intruded the Skousens to Theda Lines turkey dressing recipe. I love that stuffing. Luke ate during the preparation and took a nap right before the big meal. Since it was all adults present (I guess I can sort of count my two youngest siblings in that category) we ate on my mom's china. I have secretly always wanted to eat on the china. My Aunt Barbara and Uncle Tanner can down from Idaho. Here are a few of the pictures I snapped.
We had German chocolate cake for my dad's birthday as if we hadn't eaten enough pie.
Yep, love birds.
It just wouldn't be a trip to Hyder unless my pyro build an enormous fire.
I got to go to one of Shanna's basketball games. It made me want to run out on the court and show those girls a thing or two. But then I realized I could only probably run up and down the court 3 times before I was spent. The life of a has been. I enjoyed watching my sister play.
Does Eric singe his face everytime he makes a fire?!?! He is looking a little red.