"trust me folks it hurt really bad. my face really hurt in this picture"
Part two of Eric's adventure was a ride on the motorcycle to Sears point and Hidden Valley. He kept up with my dad and Kurtis even through the river bed. For last part of the weekends adventure, I regret I do not have pictures. Kurtis and Eric shot some Jackrabbits. They then skinned them and cooked some of the meat. It was pretty good and just a little on the chewy side. The shocking part of the story is that my Mom even tried some cooked Jackrabbit.
We really enjoyed our trip out to Hyder. If you are wondering what this 34 week prego did, I tried to stay off my feet as long as I could. I conjured up my Halloween craftiness to make a cute pumpkin shirt. My mom really did most of the work, but it was a combined effort. Check later for a halloween post.